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Toy Story Nail Art

Hi gals!
-Toy Story Characters Nail Art-
I was back in the mood to do some more cartoon manicures! I went to my "Suggestion Box" form embedded at the bottom of my page (you should add some stuff, I'd love to hear from you) and Toy Story was the stand out. 4 different people suggested it! So thanks goes out to one anonymous, Angelica, Kayla, and Skimmm.tumblr.  

You have Buzz Lightyear's chest panel:

Woody's shirt and vest:

Alien "Ohhh"

Mr Potatohead

Slinky Dog

How can you recreate these guys? Follow the pictures. I won't list every polish or paint that I used. Sorry, but I will tell you that I used nail polish for the base colors and some paint and some polish for the details.

 Let me know if you use this design. I'd love to see your take on the Toy Story characters.

Toy Story Nail Art Toy Story Nail Art Reviewed by Unknown on 5:00 AM Rating: 5