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Kleancolor Metallics and Konad Stamping Plates Experiment

September 25, 2011

From L to R: Kleancolor Metallic Pink, Kleancolor Metallic Purple, Kleancolor Metallic Yellow, Kleancolor Metallic Brown, Kleancolor Metallic Navy, and Kleancolor Metallic Jungle

My very first special request!!!!!! Kejal from NailArt and Things asked me to do a little experiment to see how good the Kleancolor Metallics I owned were at stamping. She was looking at buying some. I have to say all six that I own are GREAT for stamping! 

To demonstrate I just stamped two designs with each color on a piece of white paper. Please click to enlarge the photos! You can see the polish shows every detail of the stamp. I am concerned about the Metallic Yellow (which is really a gold polish in my opinion), but if you choose the right base color, you should be fine! 

I have used the Kleancolor Metallic Pink for stamping before. Click here to see that post.

I have used the Kleancolor Metallic Brown for stamping before. Click here to see that post.

P.S I guess I should have cleaned the plate a little better between the navy and yellow polish haha!

Kleancolor Metallics and Konad Stamping Plates Experiment Kleancolor Metallics and Konad Stamping Plates Experiment Reviewed by Unknown on 7:24 AM Rating: 5