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Miss Sporty - New Black & a Little Plaid Woolly Sock

I have another low cost/ drug store brand nail polish to show you. Miss Sporty - New Black. I try my best to avoid buying expensive polishes (which I'm not entirely successful at) and most of the high end brands I own were either on sale or were given to me by my mum, my husband, friends, etc.

I'm really happy with this polish, maybe because I had low expectations (it only cost £1.99). It's an amazing dark grey creme with the slightest rainbow of micro shimmer, you can see fuschia, blue, purple, yellow and green in there although it was extremely hard to capture it with my dodgy little camera. The formula is also very good. It applies really well and is opaque in two coats.

This polish is part of Miss Sporty's Lasting Colour collection which says it lasts up to 7 days chip free. I didn't put that to the test but it definitely lasted for 4 days chip free.

I also added a little plaid woolly sock pattern to the ring finger which I saw in this tutorial but boy was it hard to draw those diamond shapes and lines! This grey is pretty enough to be left on it's own! :)

Miss Sporty - New Black & a Little Plaid Woolly Sock Miss Sporty - New Black & a Little Plaid Woolly Sock Reviewed by Unknown on 10:51 AM Rating: 5