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A Girl Worth Fighting For

Mulan Nail Art! 
Each of the Disney Princesses have been requested multiple times. I wanted to wait and only do their designs when I was feeling inspired, so it may take me a while to get through all of them. I love Mulan. I was 11 years old when it was released, and of course a big tween Christina Aguilera fan at the time(she's on the soundtrack). But how can you not like an inspirational movie about a courageous girl trying to protect her father? Still to this day, I love the music from Mulan. I can belt out the lyrics to "A Girl Worth Fighting For" or "Be A Man."

I love this that I came across on Pinterest from this source.
Maybe that's why I'm still single? But the guy would have to be amazing for me to change that.

Blah, blah, blah.... on to the nails. I wanted to feature part of her face and then her traditional outfit.

To start the outfit nails, I painted a solid base of China Glaze Lemon Fizz. It doesn't have to be entirely opaque. Just make sure that the area near the cuticle is, that's all that will show in the end.

All of these next steps can be done with tape to mask off the areas, but I'm too impatient for that and have a steady hand, so I just freehanded. Do what works best for you. I added Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Going Green. Once again, doesn't have to be perfect coverage on the entire nail. Just the part that will show.

Then add a lighter shade of green. I used Pure Ice Free Spirit.

Then straight across and down 2/3 of the nail paint a solid navy blue. I used Sally Hansen Insta Dri Co-Bolt Blue.

I left it like this as first, took some pics, and then later went back and added the red across the very bottom to represent her waist sash.

I used OPI No Autographs, Please for the red. Which way do you like it best? With sash? Or without sash?

Here are the step by step pics of the face. I realize I got ahead of myself a bit, so it jumps from naked base to lots of black detail. Sorry about that, but I can't go back in time.

Solid base of Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure - Cafe Au Lait.

Black acrylic paint for hair, eyebrows, eyes.

White and brown acrylic paint for eye details. Elongate her loose hair in her bangs. And don't forget her nose!

Add a white shine to her eyes and topcoat!

Hope you like it!
A Girl Worth Fighting For A Girl Worth Fighting For Reviewed by Unknown on 4:00 AM Rating: 5