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Blue V-French

This is just something simple that I did the other day. It's actually my first real "success" when using scotch tape in my manicures. Usually I'm too impatient and pull up the base polish along with the tape. I was patient and took my time, and it worked!

Here's how I did it. 
2 coats of Essie Coat Azure (one of my favorite polishes of all time!)

Tape off the "V" shape and painted the tips with Hard Candy Sky, one thick coat. Removed tape.

Striper brush and Essence Deep Blue Sea to outline.

Add a clear rhinestone to the point.
 Bottle shots:

Hehe as I type this I realize what this reminds me of.... 
Betty's dress in my previous Flintstone nail art! Original post here.

Blue V-French Blue V-French Reviewed by Unknown on 5:00 AM Rating: 5