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Sinful Colors - Kismet Elated (another more optimistic go)!

I've used this colour in a mani before (click) back on the 18th June. At the time I was slightly disappointed with it because the colour didn't pop as much as I thought it would. It looked like a dull sort of colour that my nan would have work back in the 60's. It was too sheer even after 3 coats and I could still see vnl!

This afternoon I was looking through some swatches of SC online and came across Kismet Elated. They looked quite nice so I thought I should swatch it again properly and give it a fair go.

Strangely enough, it was the complete opposite of last time I used it! It applied really smoothly, was opaque in 2 coats and I really like the vibrancy of the colour now! It's a lot more on the purple side than it was last time I used it and I could actually see the gold micro-shimmer in it!
Is that weird? Why did I see it completely different and disliked it 3 months ago?!

Sinful Colors - Kismet Elated (another more optimistic go)! Sinful Colors - Kismet Elated (another more optimistic go)! Reviewed by Unknown on 7:29 AM Rating: 5