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Think Outside the Bun

That's right, Taco Bell nail art. I couldn't resist.The bundle monster BM223 image of a bell is totally Taco Bell.

I painted all of my nails with China Glaze Spontaneous. Then added Zoya Areej in a freehand zigzag french. You could use those funky craft scissors and tape them off if you prefer. For the accent nail, I painted it Sally Hansen Lavender Cloud then stamped the bell image from BM 223 with Zoya Areej. It was a little light, so I just filled in with a fine brush to darken the color. Then I added the yellow with a 2 way nail art pen from ebay. It was too bright on just the white, so I filled around it with China Glaze Spontaneous.

 Taco Bell is the most delicious when you're slightly buzzed and starving late at night. I don't recommend driving yourself there if you're buzzed though! Just thought I'd clarify. :)
Think Outside the Bun Think Outside the Bun Reviewed by Unknown on 4:00 AM Rating: 5