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As Seen in Theatre's Franken Contest

Laura's Lacquers is hosting a franken contest . Voting is open now, so go check out all of the cool entries! 
I entered of course, cause Laura's my buddy!

Here is my entry:

I titled it "A Very Smurfy Hangover"

This polish reminded me of everything Smurf with it's blue base. The combination of glitters = Smurf Vomit. Therefore, you have yourself a very Smurfy hangover.

The polishes I used in this franken are:
Pure Ice Celestial
Icing Epic Winning
Sally Hansen Ice Queen
LA Colors Jewel Tone
So go vote! You don't have to vote for me, just pick your favorite!
As Seen in Theatre's Franken Contest As Seen in Theatre's Franken Contest Reviewed by Unknown on 4:00 AM Rating: 5