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Nfu Oh JS-16 (jelly finish polish) + OPI Traffic Stopper Copper Top Coat

September 02, 2011

This was my first attempt at a jelly sandwich manicure. I think it turned out very well. I actually wore it for four days! This is a new jelly finish polish that I bought from fabuloustreet.com/ (Remember I hauled about it last week. Click here to see that post.). Capturing the true color of this polish was very difficult. I could only capture the true color outdoors in direct sunlight (which washed out the beauty of the manicure, but oh well, atleast I caught the true color of the polish. And you can see the glitter quite well). 

Generally I like to take my pictures indoors, but this is what the polished looked like when I took the photo indoors--NOTHING like the true color. 

Isn't that insane how lighting can change the color of a polish that dramatically in a photo?! Anyways, the base coat is two coats of Nfu Oh JS-16, followed by one coat of OPI Traffic Stopper Cooper, followed by one thin coat of Nfu Oh JS-16. Here are some more photos for you to enjoy.

In the following photos, I wanted to show you what the manicure looked like without that final top coat of Nfu Oh JS-16. As you can see the glitter pops out more dramatically. In the next two photos, it is two coats of Nfu Oh JS-16 and one coat of OPI. 

In these two close up photos, you can really see the difference that last top coat of the jelly polish does for the manicure. 

Nfu Oh JS-16 (jelly finish polish) + OPI Traffic Stopper Copper Top Coat Nfu Oh JS-16 (jelly finish polish) + OPI Traffic Stopper Copper Top Coat Reviewed by Unknown on 12:24 PM Rating: 5

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