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LSU Tutorial

Here is the breakdown of steps involved in the LSU nail art.

These nails were inspired by the following object. It's a "Twist & Pout" lip moisturizer keychain. I liked the pattern of the stripes and I loved that they included small hints of pink in the design.

Started with Sally Hansen Insta Dri Lightening

China Glaze Lemon Fizz for some light yellow stripes.

Few dashes of China Glaze Secondhand Silk

Heavy stripes of Zoya Mira so that it stands out more than the light yellow and pink.

I think this looks really nice on it's own, but I added the LSU letters as well.

You could easily choose to stamp the stripes rather than freehand them. That's up to your preference!
LSU Tutorial LSU Tutorial Reviewed by Unknown on 2:00 PM Rating: 5