The Nail Polish Tag
I was tagged by Kirshten to do this new series of questions and thought I'd give it a go!
The rules are very simple:
1. Answer the 10 questions.
2. Pass this tag to 5 other bloggers.
3. Make sure the bloggers that you tagged, knows that you tagged them, by sending them a comment on their blog.
Now, here are the questions:
- How many nail polishes do you have? The last count was 399. But since then my cousin has taken about 75 neglected ones to give them a better home. :)
- What is your favorite brand of nail polish? China Glaze is probably the brand I own the most of. They have such diveristy and uniqueness while still being super affordable! <3 them!
- Do you like crackle polish, or do you hate it? I wouldn't say I love it, but I don't hate it either. I like that it can give you a simple quick look of nail art without taking a lot of time. I don't use it that often though.
- What is your first nail polish brand? First ever? I don't even remember.... But the polish that started my obsession was Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in Commander in Chic. It's one of those lavender/gray shades that boomed a year ago.
- If you're going to have a nail polish line, what are you gonna name it? Not planning on having a nail polish line... I just plan on buying other peoples!
- What nail polish color does not compliment you? I have trouble finding shades of green that work well on me. That's my favorite color though! :(
- And what color does compliment you? I LOVE blue nail polishes.... that's my weakness because I like how every single one looks against my skin tone. :)
- Name two of your best nail art friends? Um..... I don't know how to answer this one either, like people? or products? I'll go with people. I've got an exciting collaboration coming up with Cayley from Nevorpurify's Nail Art, so that's a friendship fresh in the making. And Laura's Lacquers will always hold a special place in my heart for her quirky and fun spirit. We've been nail mail pals before. :)
- What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received? Probably the package Rebecca Likes Nails sent me here. It had the awesome stamping plate that I used to make my Candy Hearts manicure that turned out to be a favorite of mine.
- Make a speech about thanking the blogger who gave you this tag. Thank you Kirshten for thinking of me for this tag. She has such enthusiasm and talent for nail polish and just a teenager! I hope she keeps it up and becomes even more successful with each passing day. Oh, and be smart and make good decisions in your life!
Pass it on to 5 bloggers:
The Nail Polish Tag
Reviewed by Unknown
1:00 PM

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