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China Glaze Ruby Pumps + Nubar Fire Sparkle + RA-110

December 09, 2011

I started with two coats of China Glaze Ruby Pumps with one coat of top coat.

The next day, I added one coat of Nubar Fire Sparkle!!!! 

I got my idea for a peppermint nail design from Ashley over at Smashley Sparkles!!!! 

I stamped on a peppermint nail tip with Kleancolor White and Red Angel Stamping Plate RA-110. Then I added one coat of China Glaze Fairy Dust and one coat of top coat!

China Glaze Ruby Pumps + Nubar Fire Sparkle + RA-110 China Glaze Ruby Pumps + Nubar Fire Sparkle + RA-110 Reviewed by Unknown on 6:53 PM Rating: 5

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