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Wet N Wild - Ice Baby Glitters

I ran across a display at Walgreens that made me stop dead in my tracks. They had most all of the Ice Baby glitters just sitting there! I picked up the 3 that I wanted and left the rest. :) I wanted them because of how gorgeous they are, and because they are a lot cheaper than the Nails Inc. Special Effects dupes. (Rebecca recently posted about what's a dupe for what, and swatches of the rest. Check out her post on them here.)

I did not realize that they would be so opaque! These swatches were all just 2 coats! I love a super dense glitter and these blew my mind.

Cost Is No Issue - teal glitter with larger bright blue glitter mixed in.
 2 coats! This is amazing.

Back Alley Deals - purple glitter with larger, bright fuchsia glitter mixed in.
 All of these are topcoat thirsty, so be prepared to do at least 2 coats of your favorite topcoat.

Believe Me, It's Real - bright blue glitter with larger purple glitter mixed in.

I'm in love with all of these and very happy that I have them. The concept of heavy glitters in these holiday releases has really sucked me in and I find myself wanting almost all of them!
Wet N Wild - Ice Baby Glitters Wet N Wild - Ice Baby Glitters Reviewed by Unknown on 4:00 AM Rating: 5

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