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Truly Gone Gonzo!

Another request through my suggestion box at the bottom of the page:
"Can you please please please do a tutorial on gonzo? I've been trying to draw him and I have failed miserably each time!
Well anonymous, keep practicing and try following these steps and you'll have a Gonzo in no time!
How appropriate to use "Gone Gonzo" from the new OPI Muppets collection? I had no other choice for base polish. :)

I started with China Glaze Shower Together, 2 coats.

Added 2 coats of Gone Gonzo!

Added details with acrylic paint, start with the basic black outine.

Hints of dark blue acrylic paint

Green outline around his eyes and light blue muzzle.

Whites of his eyes and outline of his nose

Pupils and smile

Light blue nose

Completely dry before you add topcoat! Don't want to smear your carefully painted masterpiece.

I thought he was so cute! He's staying for a day or so. I go to work later, but he's the only accent. The other nails are toned down enough. ;)

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Truly Gone Gonzo! Truly Gone Gonzo! Reviewed by Unknown on 4:00 AM Rating: 5

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