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Tribal - Take Two

Taking another stab at tribal print. This time I copied a look I found on Pinterest. Noted: originally done by SuPa Nails. (This time I kept the link!)
This is the inspiration look. Yes, I just copied it almost exactly. They left more orange showing on the index finger and I actually like that more.

The polishes I used:
Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear - Sun Kissed
Sally Hansen Insta Dri - Lightening
China Glaze - Bahamian Blues
Kiss Nail Art Striper in black and white.

Paint all nails Sun Kissed. It took two coats for opacity.

Thumb design: Start with a black "V" over the half moon.

Add a thin line of Lightening along the underside of the "V"

Add thin white stripes along the black "V"

Bahamian Blue dots along the top of the black "V"

The ring finger design is the same as the thumb except leave out the white stripes.

Index finger - paint half with white polish.

Add thin black lines down the length of the nail.

Use a striper brush and do a line of Bahamian Blues along the side of the white edge.

Add a thin line of Lightening along side the blue line.

Topcoat and see what you think!

Tribal - Take Two Tribal - Take Two Reviewed by Unknown on 4:00 AM Rating: 5

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