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A Halloween Preview

Happy Halloween!!!

I'm still working through my backlog of nails, which means that you all haven't even seen any of my Halloween designs yet! But I figured since today is my favorite holiday that I would give you all a sneak preview of my Halloween costume, which OF COURSE has nails that go alone with it. But you'll just have to wait to see the nails!

I am a Taco Bell hot sauce! I love Taco Bell!!! Which if you've read my blog before, you know, because I constantly write about how much I love Taco Bell. If you just can't wait to see the nail design that went with this costume, you can see my previous Taco Bell nail designs here (my first T-Bell design, and one of my first original designs) and here (which is more recent, and what I was *thinking* of wearing with this costume).

What were you for Halloween? 
A Halloween Preview A Halloween Preview Reviewed by Unknown on 11:51 AM Rating: 5

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