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Sponged Fall

This is a similar color combination with just a few different polishes I used. I actually did this look first. I wanted to match the skirt more exactly, but I don't really like how it turned out.
 This is the skirt in the background. I liked the faded/sponged look to the flowers so I was trying to capture that. I basically just sponged on a bit of the darker color and then added the corresponding glitter color on top.
 I think I ended up not liking that my background was a nude color. I would have preferred some other polish as the background.

Colors I used:
Zoya Mira paired with China Glaze Grape Juice
China Glaze Below Deck paired with CG in the City
Cult Nails Let Me Fly paired with Essie Trophy Wife
Background polish (not pictured) was Essie Sand Tropez

Sponged Fall Sponged Fall Reviewed by Unknown on 2:00 PM Rating: 5

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