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I think some of the most popular and successful nail art designs are  marbled. Water marbling and the technique of marbling without water always turn out the most beautiful nails. I have tried water marbling, and it turns out I'm not so good at it, plus it's just too messy. I have tried marbling on my nails without water (if you're wondering about this, check out Robin Moses's video tutorial here), and I enjoy it, but I don't think it's *that* spectacular. So I decided to attempt a faux marble design of my own. And these are what I came up with!
Since this was a bit of an experiment, it didn't come out perfectly, and after trying it a few more times I think I've perfected my technique. What do you think of the design?
Marbleized Marbleized Reviewed by Unknown on 5:48 AM Rating: 5

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