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Going Tribal

This was my first attempt at the tribal print that is so hot lately. I got some inspiration from these nails seen here. I'm not sure what the original source is.
I like the way they turned out, but they also remind me of Easter eggs to a certain extent.

Here are the step by step pictures for anyone interested in recreating a look like this.

I started with a regular base coat, then freehanded China Glaze Refresh Mint leaving naked half moons. I started using the hole reinforcement stickers, but I realized it was taking me far too long and the lines weren't really that clean. I knew I would be lining the edge later, so I changed to freehanding.

Kiss Nail Art Striper in black to freehand some black french tips.

Kiss Nail Art Striper in white to line the half moons and to do a line a smidge beneath the french tip.

Then I took my Kiss Nail Art Pen in black to draw a zig zag line across the middle portion of the nail.

Kiss Nail Art Pen in black to do tiny dots along the zig zag.

A few tiny white dots in the naked half moon space. I used Kiss Nail Art Pen in white.

Kiss Nail Art Striper in white to zig zag along the french tip.

Kiss Nail Art Pen in white to do dots along that zig zag.

There you have it, just add a topcoat to smooth everything out and protect your work. I managed to get these done as a full mani in about an hour's time. If I had been willing to leave plenty of dry time between the steps, I'm sure it would have been a lot neater. I'm happy with them.

I realize this is probably too busy for some people's taste, but I like to be crazy on occasion. :)

Going Tribal Going Tribal Reviewed by Unknown on 4:00 AM Rating: 5