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Get your hand cream freebies now!

If you live in the UK, you will probably have seen that this month's issues of Marie Claire and In Style are giving away 4 L'Occitane and 2 Cowshed hand creams. If you haven't, hurry out to get yours!

Each of the Cowshed hand creams are worth £8:
Cow Slip - Soothing Hand Cream with essential oils of sweet orange and peppermint
Cow Pat - Moisturising Hand Cream with essential oils of grapefruit and coriander

All L'Occitane creams are worth £30. I went to quite a few newsagents but have so far only managed to find 2 of the 4: the Original 20% Shea Butter and limited edition cocoa flower. I still need to find Desert Rose from Morocco and Egyptian Hibiscus.

On my way home I also went to Sainsbury's and couldn't help but pick up a tube of Dirty Works Your Soft Touch hand cream. It looks so vintage, it reminds me of Soap & Glory, just cheaper!

If you want to keep up with any offers/ freebies, check out Make up savvy, she always knows when and where!

Get your hand cream freebies now! Get your hand cream freebies now! Reviewed by Unknown on 10:33 AM Rating: 5

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