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Elle's Lifesaver

First of all a quick gripe. Is it just me or is this rude? Someone requests to swap polishes with you, you agree, they request "this and that". "This" you go out and buy for them. "That" you give them your only bottle because, although it's not HTF, you just can't buy it in the store anymore... Mail off you package, get one in return. All is good right? Then you see they're having a blogsale. And their selling YOUR recent swap. You know it's your bottle because their pic of it shows that about 1 mani's worth is missing. And she's trying to make $4.99 off of you. What the crap?! Am I right to be a bit miffed about it? Maybe I'm just crazy...

*edit* Ok, so now I'm over it. It's not a big deal really. I do appreciate you all validating that I'm not nuts. But whatever, I'm over it. Not going to rant on and on to bad-mouth someone. *end edit*

Anyway, I have been lemming for Essie Very Structured. I need to pick it up, but have yet to make an order online. I can't stand to pay full price in the drugstore when I know I can get it for much cheaper online. I'll get to it sometime soon hopefully. For now I wanted to layer polishes to see if I can get the same burnt orange effect.

I thought if I put China Glaze Life Preserver and layered Barielle's Elle's Spell on top it would darken the orange. It did just that and added flakies, so hooray. I do still want Essie Very Structured though....

 2 coats of China Glaze Life Preserver topped with 1 coat of Barielle Elle's Spell.

 Here is the swatch of China Glaze Life Preserver by itself.

Just a comparison to show how much Elle's Spell darkens it. Life Preserver on the left, layered with Elle's Spell on the right.

Elle's Lifesaver Elle's Lifesaver Reviewed by Unknown on 4:00 AM Rating: 5

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