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Cult Nails Polish = Patch Work Nail Design

October 10, 2011

I have seen many blogs do patch work nail designs lately, so I thought I would give it a try. I decided to do a Fall inspired patch work nail design. They remind me of a scarecrow. 

I used Cult Nails In A Trance, Cult Nails Iconic, and China Glaze Papaya. For some reason, when I put on the shiny top coat portions of some of my nail tips turned matte/foggy looking. It did this on the manicure I had on before this one as well. I did not notice the foggy/matte patches until I put on the top coat. (You can really tell what I am talking about in the next photo). Does anyone know why it did that? 

These are swatches I did a while back ago. This is two coats of Cult Nails In A Trance.

This is two coats of Cult Nails Iconic.

Bonus: This is two coats of Cult Nails Let Me Fly. 

Cult Nails Polish = Patch Work Nail Design Cult Nails Polish = Patch Work Nail Design Reviewed by Unknown on 5:29 PM Rating: 5

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