Nail School - Day 26
I was a busy bee today! I did 9 procedures! That's a lot. In order to graduate you have to do an average of 3 procedures a day, so 9 is like unheard of. I was supposed to have a pedicure, but she called and canceled last minute, such is life. I was sort of happy she cancelled though because it gave me the time to perform some services on a student who graduated from the esthetics program this afternoon. He wanted a beautiful shade of CND's Shellac called Negligee (which is a sort of pinkish opalescent sheer polish) but he also wanted the thickness and resilience of acrylics. Previously another student applied acrylics atop his Shellac, and he loved the look, so that's what we decided to do. I'm a little bit concerned about the staying power of these two procedures. Usually if someone wanted both I would apply the acrylics first then the Shellac, but since he liked the look before I decided to try it out. Plus I will totally find a way to fix it for him for free if any nails pop off! The reason it's a little concerning to me is because in order to put an acrylic onto a nail you have to "take off the surface shine" of the nail (aka rough it up). But if you rough up Shellac it comes right off since it's like a polish! I ended up putting on the Shellac, skipping the top coat, which gave me a slightly grittier surface, then applying the acrylic. I must say, they looked beautiful. I was really happy with how they came out. The experience was sombering though because it reminded me that I can be a perfectionist on myself all I want, because I have all the time in the world to fix what I mess up on myself, but with clients I need to work on getting close to perfect in a short amount of time. Here are some pictures:
Nail School - Day 26
Reviewed by Unknown
2:24 PM

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