Two Awards
I don't always get the chance to address these blog awards, but I recently received two with the same basic concept, so I figured why not?
Nail Loopy tagged me in the Best Blog Award.
You should check her out, she's come up with some cute designs! One of which I plan to try and copy as my next manicure ;) And she even managed to beat me to the punch on a few cartoons!
Polish Vixen tagged me with the Butterfly Award.
She has swatched some regular brands colors that were new to me and very interesting. Check her out. :)
Seven Random Things About Me
- I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
- I never knew I could paint or draw before getting started in nail art.
- I'm going to be a first time aunt soon! Congrats to Kim for being preggers! :)
- When I'm at home, I'm in PJs. Doesn't matter what time of day it is.
- I wish I could dance. :( But no, I'm a white girl with absolutely no rhythm.
- I'm a virgin and plan to keep it that way until I ever marry. TMI? Sorry! lol.
- I hate to cook. Mostly because I loathe doing dishes! I can leave dirty dishes in the sink until it's a mountain. I even have a dishwasher.... so there is no excuse for me.
- Favorite Color: green
- Favorite Song: anything by Michael Buble, I especially like "Just Haven't Met You Yet" It's a great single person's anthem.
- Favorite Dessert: Cheesecake
- What Annoys Me: People that are content to be ignorant.
- Favorite Pet: My Wally-kins!
- Black or White: Usually black, but I've recently been on a white kick...
- Biggest Fear: Making a big mistake that I could regret and re-live for the rest of my life.
- Best Feature: I'm really loving my hair lately. It only took me 24 years to figure out how to style it in more ways than just one. Thank you, YouTube!
- What is perfection? Something that I can never achieve, but that doesn't mean I can't try to do the best in the things I can control.
- Guilty Pleasure: late night internet shopping after a glass of wine... Some mornings I wake up and my email has all sorts of "order confirmations"... thankfully it's usually stuff I still want even when I'm totally sober.
- What makes you mad? People that take up two parking spaces
- When you're upset you...: Internalize things until I can't take it and burst into tears.
- Everyday Attitude: Mostly calm... I think?
Two Awards
Reviewed by Unknown
2:00 PM
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