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Two Awards

I don't always get the chance to address these blog awards, but I recently received two with the same basic concept, so I figured why not?

Nail Loopy tagged me in the Best Blog Award.
You should check her out, she's come up with some cute designs! One of which I plan to try and copy as my next manicure ;) And she even managed to beat me to the punch on a few cartoons!

Polish Vixen tagged me with the Butterfly Award.
She has swatched some regular brands colors that were new to me and very interesting. Check her out. :)
Seven Random Things About Me
  1. I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
  2. I never knew I could paint or draw before getting started in nail art.
  3. I'm going to be a first time aunt soon! Congrats to Kim for being preggers! :)
  4. When I'm at home, I'm in PJs. Doesn't matter what time of day it is.
  5. I wish I could dance. :( But no, I'm a white girl with absolutely no rhythm.
  6. I'm a virgin and plan to keep it that way until I ever marry. TMI? Sorry! lol.
  7. I hate to cook. Mostly because I loathe doing dishes! I can leave dirty dishes in the sink until it's a mountain. I even have a dishwasher.... so there is no excuse for me.
  1. Favorite Color: green
  2. Favorite Song: anything by Michael Buble, I especially like "Just Haven't Met You Yet" It's a great single person's anthem.
  3. Favorite Dessert: Cheesecake
  4. What Annoys Me: People that are content to be ignorant.
  5. Favorite Pet: My Wally-kins!
  6. Black or White: Usually black, but I've recently been on a white kick... 
  7. Biggest Fear: Making a big mistake that I could regret and re-live for the rest of my life.
  8. Best Feature: I'm really loving my hair lately. It only took me 24 years to figure out how to style it in more ways than just one. Thank you, YouTube! 
  9. What is perfection? Something that I can never achieve, but that doesn't mean I can't try to do the best in the things I can control.
  10. Guilty Pleasure: late night internet shopping after a glass of wine... Some mornings I wake up and my email has all sorts of "order confirmations"... thankfully it's usually stuff I still want even when I'm totally sober.
  11. What makes you mad? People that take up two parking spaces
  12. When you're upset you...: Internalize things until I can't take it and burst into tears.
  13. Everyday Attitude: Mostly calm... I think?
Two Awards Two Awards Reviewed by Unknown on 2:00 PM Rating: 5

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