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Cutest Cupcake Ever

I normally despise the "cupcake mani" that floats around... I can't put my finger on it, but I just don't like it. Maybe it's how it just shows a mound of icing blobbed on the nail? Whatever the reason, I decided to improve it and do it my own way. So this is how it turned out. I think it's adorable and the key is showing the entire cupcake. Check it out:
 It's not entirely dead center on the nail, but that's the beauty of freehand nail art! Deal with it. :)
This light blue is Sally Hansen Insta Dri Blue-Away.

Would you like a tutorial of this? Well, good news... come back in a few hours and I will have it ready then.

Cutest Cupcake Ever Cutest Cupcake Ever Reviewed by Unknown on 5:00 AM Rating: 5

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