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A Not So Early Easter

Easter 2011 was the first time that I ever really got to celebrate all the Easter-y goodness. Growing up as a Jewish child in a largely Jewish town, it wasn't in my cards to hide painted eggs, eat excessive chocolate, or get visited by a gigantic bunny that probably would have made me cry. This year Ron and I went over to our friends Mike and Lisa's house and celebrated with their two kids. We made the kids Easter baskets that would make any parent cringe and spent the day making Easter eggs. It turns out I totally suck really really bad at making Easter eggs. That is like the hardest thing ever.

So for these nails, I just did eggs in some grass on my left hand and turned each individual nail into an egg for the right hand. The thumbs had a bunny and a chick. I may not be able to paint a real egg, but at least I can paint eggs on my nails!

A Not So Early Easter A Not So Early Easter Reviewed by Unknown on 7:00 AM Rating: 5