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Nail Life Nail Revitalizer + Haken Cuticle Oil

July 26, 2011

Today I thought I would share with you the nail strengthener and cuticle oil I use. I got both of these brands for the first time about a month ago from Sally Beauty Supply. The cuticle oil is called Haken Essential Fragrance Cuticle Oil. The main ingredients are Vitamin A, E, &D, oils of safflower, apricot kernel, canola, and sweet almond. I have tried both the Mango and the Tropical Blend. Both smell wonderful, and I have noticed a big difference in my cuticles. I will be buying this again.

The nail treatment, Nail Life Nail Revitalizer, is formaldehyde free, and it is supposed to work well for problem nails that are weak, split easily, cracked, thin, soft, or peeling. At first I thought I liked this treatment until I noticed that I am still getting tiny cracks in my nails. My nails do feel stronger though, but that could also be from some of the polishes I wear. I don't think I will be buying this again when I run out.

Has anyone tried these two brands before?

Nail Life Nail Revitalizer + Haken Cuticle Oil Nail Life Nail Revitalizer + Haken Cuticle Oil Reviewed by Unknown on 6:26 AM Rating: 5

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