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So, I'm very sad to say that I have now left Shop Dutty in Bristol, and will not painting nails there any longer. 

Having just graduated from the Graphic Design course at UWE, I moved out of Bristol last week. I'm excited to be moving back to London, but will miss Bristol and all the people in it bloody loads! 

I just want to say an enormous thank you to Joh and Louisa who own Shop Dutty. I have loved painting nails at your shop, and will miss you both lots! (and you Terri!) 

Taking over from me will be the lovely Alice, who will be replacing my weekly slot every Saturday from 2 til 7. She'll be working under the name of Boom Nails, so will be doing my designs as well as her own ones. Do go and book an appointment with her! Call the usual number on 0117 924 9990.

GOODBYE DUTTY GOODBYE DUTTY Reviewed by Unknown on 10:33 AM Rating: 5